Thursday 15 November 2012

10 Richest People in the World

Continuing our talk of money, this list brings you ten of the richest men in the world. They have amazing stories, details of which you can find online. One thing is for sure, hard work always pays off and anyone can literally do anything as long as you put your heart into it. Most of these people will be known to you however, some of these might be completely new. The estimates of their net worth have been provided by Forbes and we generally tend to believe them. The net worth has been based on the year 2011 and just for comparison, the values for the year 2010 have also been provided. People grow loads in a mere year. Read on and amaze thyself!


Christy - Ten Richest People in the World
His net worth in 2011 was $26.5 billion compared to a net worth of $22.5 billion in 2010. She was born in the year 1955 and her full name is Christy Ruth Walton. She was married to John T. Walton and he was one of the sons of Sam Walton who was the founder of Wal-Mart. She inherited the fortune of her husband after his death. She happens to be the sixth richest person in the United States. She is also the richest woman in the world for seven years in a row. It is reported that Gina Rinehart who is into mining and comes from Australia might have exceeded her wealth this May but we are not certain about that.


Mukesh - Ten Richest People in the World
His net worth in 2011 was $27 billion compared to a net worth of $29 billion in 2010. This guy was born on the 19th April of 1957 in Aden, Yemen. He is an Indian businessman and is the chairman of Reliance Industries. He is also the director of the Bank of America. He was named as one of the most powerful men in the world in the year 2010 by Forbess. He is the second richest man in all of Asia; the first one is also discussed in this list and he too is an Indian businessman. He is also the richest sports owner in the world. He is richer than the owners of Chelsea and AC Milan. His company owns Mumbai Indians.


Eike - Ten Richest People in the World
His net worth in 2011 was $30 billion compared to a net worth of $27 billion in 2010. Eike Fuhrken Batista is a Brazilian businessman born on the 3rd November of 1956. His field is mining. He is the chairman of EBX Group that includes five companies; OGX (oil and gas), MPX (energy), MMX (mining), LLX (logistics) and OSX (offshore services and equipments). He is the richest man in Brazil.


Amancio - Ten Richest People in the World
His net worth in 2011 was $31 billion compared to a net worth of $25 billion in 2010. Amancio Ortega Gaona was born on the 28th March in 1936 in Spain. He is the founding chairman of Inditex which is Spanish clothing merchandise. He is the richest man in Spain. He also happens to be the first richest man in Europe.


Lakshmi - Ten Richest People in the World
His net worth in 2011 was $31.1 billion compared to a net worth of $28.7 billion in 2010. He was born on the 15th June in 1950. He is an Indian business man in the steel industry. He is the chairman and CEO of ArcelorMittal; that just happens to be the world’s largest steel making company. Interestingly, he is into sports and owns a 34 percent stake in Queens Park Rangers F.C. Football team. He was born in Sadulpur, Rajasthan, India and currently resides in London, England. He is known as the King of Steel.


Larry - Ten Richest People in the World
His net worth in 2011 was $39.5 billion compared to a net worth of $28 billion in 2010. Lawrence Joseph Ellison was born on the 18th August in 1944 in The Bronx, New York City. He happens to be the co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of Oracle Corporation and I am sure nobody needs an introduction to what Oracle is. It is one of the world’s leading enterprise software companies. He currently has a 22.5 percent stake in Oracle and that’s where a huge amount of his income comes from.


Bernard - Ten Richest People in the World
His net worth in 2011 was $41 billion compared to a net worth of $27.5 billion in 2010. He was born on the 5th March in 1949. He is a French businessman and is the richest person in all of Europe. He has been named ‘The Fashion Person of 2011’ by Forbes. I am sure you know of Christian Dior; yeah, it’s his!


Warren - Ten Richest People in the World
His net worth in 2011 was $45 billion compared to a net worth of $47 billion in 2010. He was born on the 30th August in 1930 and is an American businessman. He is primarily an investor and a good one at that. He is considered as the most successful investor of the twentieth century and why shouldn’t he be; numbers don’t lie. He is the chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway. He is also considered as one of the most influential people in the world. He is referred to as ‘Wizard of Omaha’, ‘Oracle of Omaha’ and ‘Sage of Omaha’.


Bill Gates - Ten Richest People in the World
His net worth in 2011 was $56 billion compared to a net worth of $53 billion in 2010. This man needs no introduction. He is probably known to most of you as the richest person in the world but he comes in second. He was born on the 28th October in 1955. His real name is William Henry Gates III. He is the Co-founder and Chairman of Mircrosoft. He was born in Seattle and his software has been running the computers for generations. Mircosoft is a legend.


Carlos - Ten Richest People in the World
His net worth in 2011 was $74 billion compared to a net worth of $53.5 billion in 2010. He was born on 28th January in 1940. He has been ranked the richest person in the world since the year 2010. He is from Mexico. He is the chairman and CEO of the companies Telmex and America Movil. He has a significant amount of holdings in several Mexican companies and that is where his wealth came from. He is currently 72 years old and also the Chairman and CEO of Grupo Carso.

Sunday 11 November 2012

10 Most Dangerous Animals

Nature has given us many beautiful gifts. There’s a lot to admire and the mere beauty is beyond human imagination. We have been talking about animals recently and that brought us to create a list about ten of the most poisonous animals on land and in sea. It is hard to put a step on exactly which animal should be classified as the most poisonous so I am just going with the popular opinions. Either way, make sure you know the animals mentioned in the list because you WANT to stay away from them whenever and wherever you encounter them. Enjoy the read and be safe.


Puffer Fish - Ten Most Dangerous Animals
They belong to the family of Tetraodontiformes. They may look cute but there is reason these guys made the number ten spot on our list. There are many different species of these fish and you really might want to stay away from every single one of those. The species include balloonfish, blowfish, bubblefish, globefish, swellfish, toadfish, honey toads, sugar toads and sea squab. The one we are talking about has four large teeth that crush the shells of crustaceans and mollusks; their natural prey.


Poison Dart Frog - Ten Most Dangerous Animals
This guy is also known as poison frog. You have to agree, they look absolutely fantastic with their sharp colorings and beautiful textures but they are horrifyingly dangerous. They belong to the family of Dendrobatidae and are native to Central and South America. They have many difference species but of course the levels of toxicity differ. Most of these beautiful dangerous creatures are actually endangered. They have around 175 different species.


Brazilian Wandering Spider - Ten Most Dangerous Animals
They belong to the family of Ctenidae. Before compiling this list, I was under the impression that the Black Widow is perhaps the most poisonous and dangerous spider there is but I was wrong. These guys are commonly known as armed spiders or banana spiders. You can find these bad boys in South and Central America. They have been featured in the Guinness Book of World Records since 2010 as the most venomous spiders.


Stonefish - Ten Most Dangerous Animals
They belong to the family of Synanceiidae. These guys are heavily armed with poison and are very dangerous for humans. Their venom can prove fatal for our poor souls. According to current knowledge, this is one of the most venomous fish present in the waters around the world. They are native to the coastal regions of Indo-Pacific oceans.


Deathstalker Scorpion - Ten Most Dangerous Animals
I absolutely adore the name. These guys belong to the Buthidae family and are a species of scorpion. It is also called the Palestine Yellow Scorpion and Israeli Desert Scorpion. The species is referred to by many different names which is why this particular one is mostly known by its scientific name by researchers which is Leiurus quinquestriatus. It translates to ‘five-striped smooth-tail’. I seriously wonder how they come up with these names. Anyway, please do not play with this guy; he can and will sting!


Pseudonaja textilis
This one was another wake-up call. I used to think that the King Cobra is the most poisonous snake in the world. This baby belongs to the family of Elapidae. It is referred to by the name ‘common brown snake’ most of the times. When it comes to venomous and poisonous snakes, this particular one takes the second spot (the first is discussed below). The common brown snake is native to Australia, Papua New Guinea and Indonesia.


Blue-Ringed Octopus - Ten Most Dangerous Animals
The rings on its body are actually very vibrant and they look beautiful. This guy belongs to the family of Octopodidae. They can be found in the tide pools and coral reefs in the Pacific and Indian Oceans from Japan to Australia. These are considered to be one of the most venomous water creatures in the world. If you are in these areas and are looking to take a dip in the ocean and you see one of these, please do not even think of stopping and admiring it. They are considerably smaller in size but they are very harmful to humans and especially so when you try to communicate. They get agitated really quickly and the brown patches on their body darken. That’s when you know you need to get away from it. They usually hunt hermit crabs and shrimps.


Marbled Cone Snail - Ten Most Dangerous Animals
Now who would expect a snail to actually take the third spot in this particular list? It’s hard to imagine but it is true. They belong to the family of Conidae and they are referred to as Conus Marmoreus. There are many predatory sea snails in the water and this happens to be one of the species of those guys. They usually feed on other cone snails and marine molluscs. You should know that all the cone snails are actually venomous but this beats every single one of them. They are not exactly harmful to humans but it’s always good to know whose bite to avoid right?


Inland Taipan - Ten Most Dangerous Animals
While the common brown snake is the second most poisonous snake in the world, this guy happens to be the first one. It belongs to the family of Elapidae and is also called Small Scaled Snake or Fierce Snake. If you are not living in Australia then you really don’t have a lot to worry about because these guys are native to that country. They are very shy though, so chances are that they will just slither away at your very sight. I know I said Fierce Snake in the beginning but that name actually describes the venom and not the behavior. At any rate, please know that the bite can prove fatal so whatever happens, if it slithers away, let it!


Box Jellyfish - Ten Most Dangerous Animals
If you ask me, these are by far the most beautiful water creatures that I know of. It is such a pity that they are also the most poisonous creatures in the world. There are many species that come under Box Jellyfish of which three are known to be really dangerous; Chironex Fleckeri, Carukia Barnesi and Malo Kingi. If you are stung by one of these, be prepared for a lot of pain and in many cases, the venom can end of killing you. They are very attractive so if you see them in water, please do not go near them and I don’t only mean these species; any jellyfish for that matter.

Top 10 Places to See Before You Die

here are many places in the world that would be wonderful to see in person. These places have been mentioned in television shows, movies, and history books. They hold a lot of significance and are definitely places that people should see. Let’s look at the top 10 places that you should see before you die.

10. Grand Canyon

The Grand Canyon is in a league of its own and is a true sight of beauty. The canyon was shaped and formed over tens of thousands of years because of the Colorado River. Pictures can’t allow you to grasp the sheer size of the canyon. It is something that you would need to discover for yourself. There are a relatively large number of lodges and hotels near the Grand Canyon that could provide you with all of the accommodations that you need while visiting. You can even take a guided tour through the canyon on horseback.

9. Great Wall of China

Since the Great Wall of China is the only man-made structure that can be seen from space, few can argue that this is a must-see spectacle. When you stand on the Great Wall, you’ll be able to look down and witness the horizon and enjoy the natural, scenic beauty of it all. The wall itself is over 5,000 miles long and it just goes to show you how much work actually went into constructing this man-made marvel.

8. Easter Island

Located on a small island in the Pacific Ocean, Easter Island is quite an interesting place to say the least. There is 13-foot statues located throughout the island and not a lot of information is known regarding their existence and why they were built in the first place. Each one weighs between 10 and 14 tons so there are questions the puzzle people who study the island, especially in the “how” aspect of their creation. Either way, Easter Island is a must see before you die.

7. The Louvre

This is a museum that is well known for containing some of the greatest masterpieces of all time. While most of us know what famous paintings look like, it is truly a different feeling to see them in real life. The Louvre is located in Paris and contains pieces of art from the most famous artists in history. Not to mention, the museum is located in the Eiffel Tower, another place that is recommended during your visit here.

6. Venice

The streets of Venice are probably the most unique and exciting in the world. Since the city was built over 100 small islands, you will need to travel by boat to get to some places. And with such a strong and effective sea trade route, it is no wonder why Venice has become an industrial leader in the world. Upon your arrival make sure that you look into guided tours. These are very beneficial as they provide you with all of the information about the city that you would want to know.

5. Taj Mahal

This man-made building was constructed around the 1600s and has since then been a magnificent place for people to visit. And while a lot of people like to believe that the Taj Mahal is one massive structure, the truth is that it is comprised of several smaller structures. Its huge white dome has become a landmark for the people visiting there and the calligraphy that is carved into the sides of the building really makes an amazing spectacle. If you visit here, you sure won’t be disappointed.

4. Angkor Wat

The name “Angkor Wat” stands for “City Temple” and it is a marvelous structure that you can witness in Cambodia. It is a representation of exactly what humans are capable of without the availability of modern technology. There are several large statues that have been carved and been placed inside of the building and they are also a nice site to see. A scheduled guided tour is recommended so that you can truly tune in on what the city temple has to offer.

3. Great Barrier Reef

To put simply, the Great Barrier Reef is the biggest and most renowned coral reef in the world. It stretches for over 1,600 miles and contains a large number of sea creatures. Because of this, it has become a hot spot for both recreational and seasoned divers. When visiting the Great Barrier Reef, you’ll also be able to enjoy the many accommodations that surround the area. And let’s not forget that there are guided tours that will take you into the more interesting sections of the coral reef.

2. Petra

The ancient city of Petra was a city that was built in the sides of mountains. The entry ways are massive (14 feet on average) and will provide you access to over 3,000 year-old trading items and rooms. Since the stone used in the production of the city is so strong, it has been able to weather the elements and survive for long periods of time with little to no ware. You can visit Petra in Jordan and there are a variety of resorts that you could visit on your stay.

1. Great Pyramid of Giza

The reason this made it to the top of our list is because the Great Pyramid of Giza happens to be the oldest, and most well-known, man-made structures in the world. This monument alone proves that people have been able to utilize math, even in ancient times, and create engineering marvels without the help of modern technology. While most pyramids that have been recorded have a purpose of some kind, the Great Pyramid of Giza’s purpose is still unknown. Its highly polished stone and outer walls will take your breath away and is a must-see when you are in Egypt.

Sunday 4 November 2012

Top 10 Cars of 2013

Top 10 Cars of 2013

2013 is right around the corner and there is a lot to look forward to in regards to the production of new cars. Car brands are pushing the limits and developing vehicles with more speed, higher safety, and more overall functionality. In this article, we are going to talk about the top 10 cars of 2013. Let’s get started.

10. Jeep Liberty

Jeep has a real issue on their hands. Die hard loyalists who love going off-road want a vehicle that will allow them to do just that. On the other hand, manufactures are trying to take a more modern approach to their new vehicle and making more “highway friendly”. The 2014 Jeep Liberty will be able to hit seventy miles per hour on the highway, give off minimal amounts of noise, and have many of the modern amenities that you find in most cars. And should you ever need to take it through thick terrain, it comes with all-wheel drive.

9. Hyundai Veloster Turbo

At this point, the Veloster is a vehicle that is lacking the credit that it deserves. However, once the 201 horse powered Hyundai Veloster Turbo hits the streets, many people are going to give it a second look. This car is as serious about performance as you can get and the overall design of it is superb.

8. Dodge Dart R/T

Easily one of the quickest breeds of the front-wheel-drive dart models going on sale is the Dodge Dart R/T. This car sits on a Fiat chassis that is operational under fully independent suspension. And not to mention, this car is fast. It is powered by a 184-hop, 2.4 liter engine that allows it go quickly accelerate and gain top speed in not time. This car is expected to sell for about $24,000 in mid-October, the expected release date.

7. SRT Viper

With a V-10, 640 horse powered engine, the SRT Viper of 2013 is the epitome of speed. It has an ultra-light body that is constructed from carbon fiber, aluminum, and magnesium. This super has an estimated price of $100,000 too. There are a few other cars that have the capabilities that the SRT Viper does, but they are far cheaper. There is no doubt that this model is going to change the game forever.

6. Ram 1500

When we think about the top cars of 2013, we hardly think that a truck would be able to make the list. However, the 2013 Ram 1500 is an exception. For $22,000 this vehicle has it all. It boasts a sleek and modern chassis and has all of the smart updates installed in it that you would ever need.  And let’s not forget about the aerodynamics that the Ram 1500 is known for, which reduces drag by up to five percent. Finally, it has an eight speed transmission that is tied into an electrical power steering system with start/stop technology.

5. Chevy Sonic RS

The Chevy Sonic RS of 2013 is expected to sell for about $22,000, and rightfully so. It has a 2.0 liter engine that allows it to reach turbocharged speeds. The 138 horse powered engine will allow anyone to sail down any stretch of open road. The overall design of this vehicle is relatively modern and its sleek shape allows for less resistance.

4. Subaru WRX

This car is expected to come out in early 2013 and will sell for a little over $27,000. This is a car that will sit a lot lower than most of its cousins and it will also be more compact. The lower engine has many advantages; one of them is better handling around curves and corners. The Subaru WRX has tremendous balance and will prove to be a nice, sporty vehicle for a lot of drivers.

3. Jaguar F-Type Roadster

While the name suggests a later date, the Jaguar F-Type Roadster is expected to hit the road in the summer of 2013. For those drivers who are willing to pay $60,000, you will be rewarded with a 380 horse powered, 2.0 liter engine. This is a six-cylinder engine as well, which means that it will have slightly better gas mileage than other cars of similar power. This car has eight speeds, is automatic, and is loaded with start-stop technology.

2. Audi A3

This vehicle is expected to launch in the middle of 2013 and will sell for about $30,000. For those who don’t know, this car will be based on the VW Golf. This is a very powerful car with a lot of traction and handling.

1. Chevy Corvette C7

Gone are the ideas that a split rear window and turbo charged, V-6 engine could appear in a car. Now, it has become a reality. The Chevy Corvette C7 is a sleek design and will debut in Detroit Fall 2013. Selling for $50,000 and up, it has 440hp and a 6.0 liter engine. Prepare for this vehicle to make a huge impact in the car world.

Saturday 3 November 2012

Top Ten Games for Android

Smartphones are the new hype these days and so it has been for a long time.  iOS and Android are dominating the smartphone world so this list goes out to all those who own an Android smartphone. We will compile an iOS list soon so please don’t feel left out. This particular list talks about ten of the most amazing games for android ever. The original description is provided just to give you an idea of what it is all about. One thing you should understand is that not all the games might not work on your smartphone even if you do own an Android. I hope you enjoy the list. I hope it makes your smartphone experience more fun.

10. C.H.A.O.S

C.H.A.O.S - Top Ten Games for Android
A secret organization named C.H.A.O.S has been established by the dictators who lost their power and now they aim at world domination. As a brave pilot, you’ve been hired to prevent them from expanding their influence to other countries. You’re about to take this challenge and save the world from terror! Choose helicopters from different manufacturers from the USA, Russia and Europe such as AH-64 Apache, UH-60 Black Hawk, Hind, Ka-52 Alligator, RAH-66 Comanche and more! Accomplish missions, go through intensive air combats and defeat the enemy!


Shadowgun - Top Ten Games for Android
SHADOWGUN puts you into the role of John Slade, the galaxy’s most infamous bounty hunter. Your mission: hunt down Dr. Edgar Simon, maniacal genius and leader of his own mutant army. Infiltrate Dr. Simon’s mountain fortress and fight his personal guard of cyborgs, battle droids, and genetically-enhanced humanoids. Using state-of-the-art weaponry, ships, and the assistance of S.A.R.A.—Slade’s personal android assistant—SHADOWGUN combines intense tactical combat with 3rd person action.


Sonic CD - Top Ten Games for Android
Fight the past to save the future in this enhanced recreation of Sonic CD! In order to put an end to Dr. Eggman’s nefarious schemes, Sonic must use the power of Little Planet to travel through time; breaking Dr. Eggman’s hold over the future by destroying his machines in the past and recovering the missing Time Stones! Featuring 16:9 widescreen, achievements, leaderboards and both the US and Japanese soundtracks, experience the adventure through time that introduced the world to Amy Rose and Eggman’s most evil creation, Metal Sonic.


Fruit Ninja - Top Ten Games for Android
The worldwide smash hit game Fruit Ninja is now available on Android! Fruit Ninja is a juicy action game with squishy, splatty and satisfying fruit carnage! Become the ultimate bringer of sweet, tasty destruction with every slash. Swipe up across the screen to deliciously slash fruit like a true ninja warrior. With three games modes in single player and worldwide leaderboards using Openfeint, the addictive gameplay will keep you coming back for even higher scores.


Drag Racing - Top Ten Games for Android
The most addictive racing game with realistic controls and 50+ real cars!; drive 50+ officially licensed cars, from hot hatches to american muscle to 1000HP supercars; buy your dream car, install performance upgrades and show your skills in 1/4 or 1/2 mile races; challenge millions of racers online: race 1 on 1, drive your opponent’s car, or participate in real-time 10-player races in Pro League. The game offers great detail and depth and you have a very competitive multiplayer mode to increase the fun ten folds.


GTA - Top Ten Games for Android
The sprawling crime epic that changed open-world games forever. Welcome to Liberty City; where it all began. Rockstar Games celebrates the 10th anniversary of one of the most influential games of all time. The critically acclaimed blockbuster Grand Theft Auto III comes to mobile devices, bringing to life the dark and seedy underworld of Liberty City. With a massive and diverse open world, a wild cast of characters from every walk of life and the freedom to explore at will, Grand Theft Auto III puts the dark, intriguing and ruthless world of crime at your fingertips


Asphalt 6 - Top Ten Games for Android
Race the world. Feel the adrenaline. Feel the thrill of arcade racing like never before in the newest adrenaline-pumping game of the Asphalt series. You can build your dream collection; discover 42 cars and bikes from Ferrari, Lamborghini, Aston Martin, Ducati and other world-class manufacturers. Collect them in your own 3D garage. You can also race your friends, leave the world in your dust, challenge the best, and take advantage of several tuning options to push your vehicle’s performance to the top shelf.


Draw Something - Top Ten Games for Android
The most popular social drawing and guessing game on Android! Play the Free version of Draw Something, the most popular social drawing and guessing game on Android! Experience for yourself the laugh-out-loud game your friends are raving about! Plus get these special bonuses: 900+ Words to Draw and 5 FREE Bombs. All you need to do is actually draw something, send it out to an opponent and wait for him to guess exactly what your drawing was all about. It’s pretty much like a virtual Pictionary.


Temple Run - Top Ten Games for Android
Run for your life! The addictive mega-hit Temple Run is now out for Android! All your friends are playing it – can you beat their high scores?! You’ve stolen the cursed idol from the temple, and now you have to run for your life to escape the Evil Demon Monkeys nipping at your heels. Test your reflexes as you race down ancient temple walls and along sheer cliffs. Swipe to turn, jump and slide to avoid obstacles, collect coins and buy power ups, unlock new characters, and see how far you can run!


Angry Birds - Top Ten Games for Android
Use the unique powers of the Angry Birds to destroy the greedy pigs’ fortresses! The survival of the Angry Birds is at stake. Dish out revenge on the greedy pigs who stole their eggs. Use the unique powers of each bird to destroy the pigs’ defenses. Angry Birds features challenging physics-based gameplay and hours of replay value. Each level requires logic, skill, and force to solve. If you get stuck in the game, you can purchase the Mighty Eagle! Mighty Eagle is a one-time in-app purchase in Angry Birds that gives unlimited use. This phenomenal creature will soar from the skies to wreak havoc and smash the pesky pigs into oblivion.